About Us

The Best Little Shirt House in Texas

Welcome Ya'll to Dallas Shirt Bar, a grass roots family owned online shop right in the heart of Texas!  

Doing good one shirt at a time is the beat of our drum and we are committing to help those in need by donating a portion of our proceeds from every shirt purchased to charity, in perpetuity.  For our launch, we have selected to give our donations to the North Texas Food Bank as we know people are facing hard financial times and are struggling to keep food on the table due to the impact of COVID-19.   

We are continuously seeking out quality materials for our customers' shirts and printing unique designs on them.  Our plan will be to highlight artists and designers by giving them an opportunity to design their own collection. So, if you are an artist or know of one that is searching to get their work out there, we'd love to hear from you!

We genuinely appreciate you visiting us and look forward to earning your business.  Our hope is that you will enjoy our shirts so much that you will become one of our regulars.

With gratitude, we appreciate you.